
Ear Pinning (Otoplasty)

Definition: Surgical procedure that sets back prominent ears closer to the head. Can be performed on a child as early as 4 y/o as ears are fully formed at this age. Surgery can also be performed on adults with no additional risk involved.
Procedure: Surgeon makes incision at the back of the ear & removes skin to expose cartilage. The surgeon uses the sutures to fold the cartilage in on itself to reshape the ear. Can also be done without suture by weakening the cartilage before folding.
Duration of Surgery: 45 Minutes
Type of Anesthesia: Local Anesthesia
Pre-Operative Care: Assessed medical history
Checked health insurance policy
Checked laboratory result
No Aspirin 2 weeks prior to surgery
Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverage 1 month prior to procedure
Checked patient’s readiness and knowledge about the procedure
Advised patient to had shower and done washing the hair before the procedure
Cosmetics should not be worn
Post-Operative Care: Soreness & discomfort usually controlled be medication
Dressing are removed within a few days
Wear light head dressing for several weeks to promote healing
Scars should be hidden in the creases of the ears.
Elevate head to decrease swelling
Do not lie on side for 7- 10 days after surgery
Wear a headband over the ears for 3-4 weeks after surgery continuously for 7 days. Then for sleeping or during sports activities for the next 3-4 weeks